Sunday, August 18, 2013


It's only the beginning there's more than meets the eye.

An infinite of stars in that never ending sky.

The beginning of me, my soul, my mind, uniquely created to exist with mankind.

The veil that blocks the past, the immortal time describing who I am.

What did I do to pass the time? Was it fun, did I laugh, did I cry?

Be still and listen, the answers are clear, as a whisper of light to my mind.

For it's only the beginning and there's more than meets the eye, we have an infinite of stars in that never ending sky.

 By: Kristen L Davis Do you ever just sit there and think about the bigger picture? I often think, how glad I am that there is more to life than depositing checks in the bank and paying the bills. There's more to me than cooking dinner and cleaning the house. It's the lessons that I learn along the way about self control, charity and refining all my imperfections, that help me remember the real reason I am here. The question always is. "Am I making the best of my time?"

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